Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Locked into the repository

I hate package management systems. The biggest problem with them, that they are forcing you to use a specific version of the software.

Apt, yum or pacman (ya, it is a requirement to develop the same thing again and again) is one of key feature of every damn distro. Videos like this are heart touching. Easy, easy, update, ugrade, choice, freedom, more than 20.000 packages, freedom again, and choice again.

(A special warning for linux beginners: do NOT use Synaptic, because it is too easy and you will look stupid on the forums.)

If you want OpenOffice 3 on a distro with v2.4 then you are fucked. You can a do this but be aware of this. Oh, I have found the solution: you don't need that anyway.

With real world operating systems you go to the program homepage, choose a PREFERRED version/edition and go with download/install. Please observe the possibility of the REAL CHOICE. Eventually you can remove the whole OpenOffice shit safely without destroying the half of your system, because of a stupid dependency problem.

Further readings:

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